Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 1: Cruise Control

Awesome first day! This morning we said good-bye to our good friend Jeff in Winslow, AZ, and starting 'on the corner of Winslow Arizona', we made our way east on I-40. 
The weather was perfect! We were so excited and just were cruising along. After eating some sandwiches in Holbrook we continued on, but at a much slower pace. There was a harsh crosswind, and there would be 5-6 mile stretches uphill with no respite. When we finally pulled into Chambers, AZ tonight, we could hardly move. After laying down, Casey fell asleep within 2 minutes. No joke. Haha! 

For Bikers:

This stretch of road has wind that blows from all over. Plan accordingly. I-40 has a good shoulder to ride. 

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