Friday, May 23, 2014

Day 25: Mountains to Climb

Anyone who says the appalatians aren't really mountains has never biked across them. Today we went our highest speed (41) and our lowest speeds (around 5) on the road today. We also went our highest elevation and lowest elevation on this side of the Mississippi. We climbed Mt. Thornton, Mt. Laurel, Mt. Casey Messick (as we named it), Backbone mountain, and Mt. Storm. All in 69 miles. We are exhausted! We decided today that we will stay in Mountaineer motel, to rest up and shower for the first time in over a week. We realized these last few days that our legs were getting darker and our tan lines fading. Then we realized that it hasn't been sunny all week. 😳 Yes, gross, and we know it. So to prepare for our triumphant victory ride into Washington DC, we will shower. 

We literally biked into this cloud

1 comment:

  1. Ha SO gross! But I am so stinkin' excited for you to come back to Provo!!
