Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Days 21-24: climbing the toes of the Appalachians

We have been biking hard and haven't had enough energy to write at night these last few days. Here's a recap:

Day 21: Versailles, Indiana. Wonderful day. We enjoyed doing nothing but eatibg and sleeping. We couldn't get to a chapel this weekend so we enjoyed a full days rest. We also gave our bikes a much needed bath (now we just need a bath!!)

Day 22: 107 miles to Hillsboro, Ohio 
It was really far.

Day 23: 119 miles to Coolville, Ohio 
This day was really, really far.

Day 24: 95 miles to Bridgeport, West Virginia, this ending our six day streak of centuries (100 miles or more in a day)

To sum up our last few days: calories, miles, food, biking, eating, climbing, calories (did I mention that yet?) If previously we biked across the back of the Ozarks, we are now climbing the toes of the Appalachians, toes from a millipede, neverending hills. 

3400 calorie meal, each:

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